Monday, February 2, 2009


It is so sad and low that my former employer has just ripped-off my husband's design that he developed 5 years ago for his small growing business.  I guess it's just not enough that he dedicated a year and a half and I dedicated 9 years to this company -- designing and helping their business grow strong.  Are we in such poor economic times that people are that desperate and have lost their creativity and integrity?  

There are too many coincidences that lead to this "inspired" rip off.  We even gave the original headphone graphic as GIFTS to the head of design and the boy's graphic artist.  

While this may be legal due to the laws regarding trademark and intellectual property, I strongly believe that this IS unethical business practice.

Please support small independent designers and businesses and let Gymboree know how you feel about this!


kaitlyn said...

wow. finding out about things like this rrreally upsets me. i hear stories about independent designers and artists that are being ripped off by urban outfitters almost daily. i can't believe a company like gymboree would stoop to that level. so unfortunate. i hope that things progress for your husband's business, his design was honestly so much cooler. i love your blog!


minor said...

thanks for your support! checked out your blog as well. you got great style ; ) keep up the good work!